Friday 12 December 2014

William Hope Hodgson - The Night Land

The Night Land " by William Hope Hodgson - this fantasy of a night-black, dead planet, with the remains of the human race concentrated in a stupendously vast metal pyramid & besieged by monstrous, hybrid & altogether unknown forces of darkness, is something that no reader can ever forget" (H. P. Lovecraft). "One of the most potent pieces of macabre imagination ever written" - H.P.Lovecraft. Lovecraft wasn't wrong: this is, perhaps, the greatest single work of fantastic fiction in the English language. The sun has died, as have the stars. Not a solitary light shines in the heavens. The days of light are nothing by a legend - they are a story told to soothe children. The last millions of humans still live in their Last Redoubt - but the end of their days is at hand.

Pages: 432
ISBN: 9781304998309

Buy it directly from us!

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