Friday 27 March 2015

Algernon Blackwood - The Extra Day

The Extra Day
Algernon Blackwood's tale is about three children growing up in the Old Mill House in the Victorian era. Judy, Tim, and Maria were just little children. It was impossible to say exactly what their ages were, except that they were just the usual age, that Judy was the eldest, Maria the youngest, and that Tim, accordingly, came in between the two. When their Uncle Felix comes to visit, his magical storytelling and patience with the children impacts their lives significantly. There is a great deal of foreshadowing that a great surprise is coming with a great revelation. For instance, Uncle Felix says, "Time always prevents, doesn't it? If only we could make it stop - get behind time, as it were - we might have a chance. Some day, perhaps, we shall." Uncle Felix challenges the children to talk to the night wind and ask it for answers. Although this book was not necessarily written for children, it is a great book to read to kids.

Pages: 280
ISBN: 9781304998248

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Friday 20 March 2015

Unknown Authors - Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd is a barber who dispatches his victims by pulling a lever as they sit in his barber chair. His victims fall backward down a revolving trapdoor into the basement of his shop, generally causing them to break their necks or skulls. In case they are alive, Todd goes to the basement and "polishes them off" (slitting their throats with his straight razor). After Todd has robbed his dead victims of their goods, Mrs. Lovett, his partner in crime, assists him in disposing of the bodies by baking their flesh into meat pies and selling them to the unsuspecting customers of her pie shop.
All the horror stories in this nice collection are written by unknown authors.

Pages: 460
ISBN: 9781304998422

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Friday 13 March 2015

E. F. Benson - The Horror-Horn

An extraordinary collection of 31 short stories of the supernatural and the weird from E. F. Benson, one of the greatest horror and fantasy writers.

Pages: 412
ISBN: 9781304998286

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Thursday 12 March 2015

Finally! "What if..." No 2

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Friday 6 March 2015

H. P. Blavatsky - Nightmare Tales

Helena Blavatsky, one of the most fascinating women in history, founder of the Theosophical Society, is most well known for her promulgation of a theosophical system of thought, often referred to under various names, including: The Occult Science, The Esoteric Tradition, The Wisdom of the Ages, etc., or simply as Occultism or Theosophy. She wrote several books in the subject. But she also wrote short stories with supernatural content, and this is a collection of these stories. Be prepared for nightmares!

Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781312184893

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Monday 2 March 2015

Thomas Wentworth Higginson - Tales of Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic

A mix of history, legends, myths and seafaring lore from many ages and cultures about mysterious islands in the Atlantic. The Story of Atlantis, Taliessin of the Radiant Brow, The Swan-Children of Lir, Usheen in the Island of Youth, Bran the Blessed, The Castle of the Active Door, Merlin the Enchanter, Sir Lancelot of the Lake, The Half-Man, King Arthur at Avalon, Maelduin's Voyage, The Voyage of St. Brandan, Kirwan's Search for Hy-Brasail, The Isle of Satan's Hand, Antillia - the Island of the Seven Cities, Harald the Viking, The Search for Norumbega, The Guardians of the St. Lawrence, The Island of Demons, Bimini and the Fountain of Youth.

Pages: 152
ISBN: 9781312184985

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